
Showing posts from September, 2012

Vouchers, are they a good idea?

Is it too early to be thinking about Christmas? I'm talking about vouchers and the offering thereof rather than buying wrapping paper and cards etc by the way. I would (obviously) like more customers but would offering vouchers be a practical thing? Would it be useful to have a voucher in small denominations? The consultation costs £35 for initial and £20 for a follow up so I suppose if you're already seeing me you could get people to buy a voucher and use it to get the money off at the next visit but other than that I don't see how small denominations would really work. But, there are other options. I do massage and am an aromatherapist as well as an herbalist. I could certainly do vouchers for the massage. £20 for a back massage and £50 for a full body. Things like feet (though I'm not a reflexologist) and head etc. And also going back to the herbs I could make up herb teas, for sleep, digestion, hayfever, pain...... As well as creams/oils/ lotions/sha

So how do I fill this box in.........

I'm an herbalist, as everyone should be pretty much aware of by now as I shout it from the rooftops quite a lot. I feel it's actually getting to be part of my identity though the transition from 'student' to 'qualified herbalist' who happens to be a grown up, while on one hand is really quick (the whole yes you've passed, graduation is ....) the emotional reality is a lot different. Because apart from everything else that simple statement means that you have to change the way that you think about yourself, putting yourself in a different box so to speak. As part of that whole being a grown up thing you have to do responsible things like get insurance (public and private liability insurance, cover for the stock, possibly for where you practice as well depending on your situation) and join one of the governing bodies. In the uk these would generally be either the CPP (College of Practitioners of Phytotherapy) or the NIMH (National Institute of Medical Herbali

Why go see an Herbalist?

While there is a great availability of over the counter herbal products in various forms these days, the assistance of a qualified professional can help guide you in making wise choices and better understanding herbal use. An experienced herbalist can help make sure the herbs used are safe, of consistent quality, and proportioned appropriately for your needs. Concerns regarding possible interactions with pharmaceutical medications can also be addressed by consulting an experienced practitioner. The herbalist will also help you understand the limitations of herbs and will know when to refer back to your GP. Possibly the greatest benefit to seeing an herbalist is the prescription being tailored to the patients’ specific needs regardless of how those needs present. For example; if a patient has a low tolerance for alcohol then a tincture would not be an appropriate remedy but dried herbs to make tea with might be. Also, an herbalist will never treat different people with the same c

What is Herbal Medicine?

Condensed into a single sentence Herbal Medicine is the use of plant remedies in the treatment of illness and disease. However, in reality tra- ditional Herbal Medicine (of whichever system) is so much more than that. In conjunction with a consultation from a suitably qualified practitioner Herbal Medicine strives to create balance in a person so that their own innate healing systems can be employed in the healing process. This differs from allopathic medicine (GP’s, NHS etc) which tends to be much more reductionist in its approach and the medication itself is designed to take over the specific function that is having a problem rather than working with the body to gently adjust its own systems towards wellness. Herbs and plants can be prepared and used in many ways. They can be taken internally as tinctures, teas, powders, syrups, or capsules. Externally, they can be applied as lotions, oils, salves and in baths. Such remedies have been used since the beginning of human history. Many