How to Help Yourself after a Cancer Diagnosis; An Herbalist Perspective
Disclaimer: I am an Herbalist not a GP, if you think there is a possibility that you might have cancer then you need to go to your doctor to get checked. I am also not claiming to treat cancer. Cancer can be very scary, the sheer thought of it can bring anxiety attacks on in some people. But every person is different, as is every cancer and cancer has a much higher survival rate than it used to, even 5 years ago. The treatment however can have some truly awful side effects which can make the treatment a miserable experience. There are things that you can do for yourself that will help during the process. The first thing I am going to say is once you have received your diagnosis then go and see an herbalist as we are fantastic at helping with the side effects of mainstream cancer treatment. But then I would say that, I am an Herbalist after all! Green Smoothie Fasting : This is specific to the day before and the day of the chemo treatment. (And the day after if yo...