NIMH Conference
I was lucky enough to be able to attend some of the NIMH conference at Crewe Hall hotel a couple of weeks ago. I attended on the Friday which is when all the new members are sworn in, the student awards and (existing member) fellowships are presented and the AGM is held. I didn't actually get sworn in because my paperwork hadn't been processed through in time (the CRB check came through after the last minute) so I'll be swearing the oath in front of a Justice of the Peace which is going to be a whole different blogg post! When I arrived you registered first and got handed a goodie bag with all the literature for the conference and a set of 10ml sample bottles of the whole Salus range (they do Floradix) and two boxes of teabags from Heath and Heather uk/ , I got Echinacea & Lavender and Sage & Lemon Myrtle. All the new people were segregated off into a little...